Mater Natura XXI

Mater Natura XXI 2022 - Vaimaki Family - Natural Greek Wine - Muscat of Alexandreia - Zero Sulfites

Mater Natura is the naming scheme of Vasilis Vaimakis’ natural and zero-added-sulfite Greek wine series, where the vinifications and the numbers don’t repeat themselves. Mater Natura XXI is a zero-sulfite and racy Muscat of Alexandreia, from organically grown grapes in one of the most suitable – for the variety – regions of Greece, Lemnos.

  • Grower: Vaimaki Family
  • Vintage: 2022
  • Type: White Dry Wine
  • Grapes: Muscat of Alexandreia 100%
  • Appellation: PDO Lemnos
  • Alcohol: 14.00%
  • Bottle: 750ml
  • Viticulture: Organic
  • Vinification: Typical white vinification, autogenic, i.e. without additives, chilling or any other intervention in the production process
  • Files:


  • Organic
  • Climate: Mild winter, cool summer due to proximity of the sea
  • Soil: Volcanic ground, sandy, excellent drainage
  • Vine age: Planted in 1992
  • Altitude: 650m
  • Slope: 5%
  • Planting density: 7,000 shoots / ha
  • Yield: 1.5 kg / plant
  • Irrigation: Drip in drought conditions
  • Spraying: Organic treatment of downy mildew and oidium
  • Harvesting: Manually in 25kg crates


  • Maceration: 3-day skin contact
  • Pressing: None
  • Temperature Control: 19-22℃ during fermentation
  • Fermentation: 1 month with indigenous yeast
  • Malolactic: Spontaneous
  • Maturation: 9 months in bottle
  • Clarification: None
  • Filtration: None
  • Production: 5,000 lt
  • Alcohol: 14.00%
  • Acidity: 6.00 gr/l
  • RS: 1.00 gr/l
  • Total sulfites: 5.00 mg/l
  • Certification: No Added Sulfites
  • Bottle: 750ml

Vaimaki Family” is the urban winemaking project of oenologist Vasilis Vaimakis. An oenologist with vast winemaking experience, Vaimakis is also one of the first oenologists of Greece who explored the limits of natural vinification of Greek grapes with zero sulfites. Although Eklektikon’s portfolio is centered around growers, Vaimaki Family is the only exception to the rule, in order to represent the first Greek vintages of no-added-sulfite wines, under the iconic and ever-changing label “Mater Natura”.

The Vaimakis family started working with wine production in the late 19th century. Vasilis Vaimakis wanted to revive the family winemaking tradition back in the 70’s, as a young oenologist, and started working for the Co-Op of Zitsa and Amyndeo, where he led both to unexpected commercial success. In the 90’s, having gained immense experience, he completed his PhD with a focus on the oxidation of white wines and ways to address that. He started experimenting with zero-sulfite wines in order to communicate the terroir of promising Greek grapes, and launched the Mater Natura line in 2009. Mater Natura is a series of unique numbers, reflecting unique vinifications that never repeat themselves.

Amyndeo (or “Amyntaio”) constitutes one of the most alpine climates of Greece, surrounded by lakes and at an altitude of over 600m. This makes it ideal for the production of sparkling wines from the humidity loving Xinomavro grape, and makes Amyndeo the only PDO (premier tier appellation) region for sparkling wines. The general region of Florina, where Amyndeo belongs to, is a mountainous area reaching altitudes of up to 2,524m (Voras mountain).

Nearby Nymfeo village, at an altitude of 1,346m, is considered one of the most beautiful villages of Greece. Although it faced gradual depopulation up until the 90s, it is now a popular Winter destination.

The adjacent village of Xino Nero is famous for its naturally sparkling and healing spring water.